2014年8月22日 星期五

Kuih Bakar Pandan


份量: 6個半杯ikea矽膠模(以下食譜半份)

½ cup of sugar (I used 60g) ½ 杯糖
1 cups of flour 1杯麵粉
½ cup of pandan juice (6 pieces pandan leaves add ½ cup water to blend and sift) ½ 杯班蘭汁(6片班蘭葉加½杯水攪碎過濾)
200ml cups of coconut milk 200ml 椰漿
1.5 large eggs 1.5 蛋(大)
1 tbsp of melted butter 1tbsp plus some to grease the mould 溶化奶油, 些許奶油塗抹模具
pinch of salt 小撮鹽
few drops of green food coloring (optional) 幾滴綠色素
sesame seeds (optional) 芝麻 

1. Pre-heat oven to 170C and greased a baking pan ( I used bahulu mould)
2. Using a hand whisk or blender, mix all the above ingredients except oil and sesame seeds 
    until well combined. Add in oil and mix well.
   用攪拌器(手動或電動皆可)把全部材料(除了奶油和芝麻)攪拌均勻, 然後再加入溶化奶 
3. Put the greased pan into oven to hear 2-3 mins. Pour mixture into the hot baking pan (till full) 
    and sprinkle with some sesame seeds.  
   把塗抹好油的模具放入烤箱熱2~3分鐘. 把麵糊倒入模具 可以撒一些芝麻再上面(我忘了放)
4. Bake until golden brown or skewer comes out clean when tested. (Bahulu mould takes about
    20 mins)
    烤至金黃色或把測試棒插入沒有沾黏即是可以了(我只烤了22分鐘, 因此並沒有上色,下次可  

